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Who is Commonly Affected by Japanese Encephalitis?
Japanese Encephalitis is a viral disease associated with the high mortality (20 – 40%). It is predominantly a disease of rural and peri–urban areas effecting mainly people (mainly children in age group 2 – 15yrs) from low socio economic status.

In endemic areas, children between ages 2 & 15 primarily affected. In non endemic areas all the age groups are affected, children & older adults being the predominant victims.

How to Prevent Transmission?
Prevention & control approach of Japanese Encephalitis is based on epidemiological principles of source reduction, interruption of transmission and protection of susceptible population. These approaches are supplemented by IEC activities, community participation, interesectoral co–ordination and training of field staff for improved case management.
  1. Source Reduction: Control of Animal Reservoir.
  2. Notification of Cases
  3. Interruption of transmission with vector control & Eco friendly measures.
  4. IEC activities using Electronic media, Press & message to the community.
  5. Community Participation in notification of cases and referrals, spray and other mosquito control measures, support to rehabilitation activities.
  6. Inter sectoral co–ordination with other departments, Private/NGO sector & with people’s representatives.