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The Organ Kloma – A fresh appraisal

Vaidya M.P. Nanal (Ayurved Foundation)
• References & Bibliography.
• Abbreviations.
• Mediastinum.

Fundamental Principles of ayurveda and their application in the study of Parnbija (Kalanchoe Pinnata)
To review Kloma, the controversial organ, the prevalent opinions are to be taken into consideration. So, let us examine the definitions of Kloma which are enumerated here under. The organ kloma should fulfill the following criteria to be labeled as kloma.

Udakavahanam srotasam talu mulam kloma ca/ 5/10 Udakavaha dve, tayormulam talu kloma ca/su 7/14 Udakavanhinam srotasam talu mulam kloma ca/a.s. sa. 5.
The udakavaha sorts, the various channels which maintain the fluid balance of the body derive their origin from two places – Talu (The hard and soft palates) and kloma. An abnormal vitiated state of these is indicated by: Pradustanamidam vijanam (bhavati), jihvatalvosthakloma sosam pipasam catipravrdsham drstva udakavabanyasya srotamsi pradustani iti vidyat/ca. vi. 5/10. An excessive dryness of the lips, tongue, palate, kloma and an insatiable thirst indicate malfunctioning udaka vaha srotas.

A vidradhi of the kloma is indicated by: A disorder characterized by a rapid onset and progress arising from the kloma makes its presence felt by producing the following symptoms:

A person who has walked for a certain period of time and is now suffering from Adhva sosa exhibits a laxity of the musculature, lethargy, a roasted tanned dry complexion, an impaired tactile perception and a dry kloma, pharynx and mouth.

Kloma is an organ which forms the flank of the Yakrt and the Hrudaya and is situated in the chest. It should surround the heart from all sides, without being attached to it and be mainly on the right side of the chest cavity. This is the gist of the above discussion.

Now if we try and fit one of the previously enumerated hypothesis, each one of them falls short on one or more important aspect. We therefore need to view the issue from a fresh angle in an objective manner.

In modern Anatomy, we find an organ described which fulfills most of the criteria admirably and can safely be termed as Kloma. It is the MEDIASTINUM.

These and many more examples, in the same vein, indicate the control of the fluid balance of the body. Kloma is one of the fifteen Koshthangas described and derives its origin from the mother.

Pancadasa kosthangani tadyatha nabhicsca, hydaynca, kloma ca, yakrcca, ptiha ca, vrkkauca, vastisca, purisadharsca, amasayasca. pakvasayottaragudam dadhragudam ca, ksudrantram ca, sthulantram ca, vapavahanam ceti/ 7/10. It should be related to the heart. The Hrudaya is that organ which has on its right upper and lateral side Kloma, right lower lateral side, yakrt on left supero laterally, phupphusa and left infero laterally, pliha.

It should be manifested from the Raktadhatu. When the fetal rakta is being converted by the fetal jatharagni and this conversion is being aided by the fetal Samana Vayu, the resultant is an organ related to Hrudaya but slightly separated and situated supero–laterally in the Kostha on the right side.

It should have sandhis joints in it
kloma nibaddhasu stadasa (Sandhaya) 5/29 astadasa kanthanadi nibaddha Hrudayayakrt kloma na disu/ kantha hrudaya netra kloma nadisu mandalah sandhayah/ 5/24.

The organ Kloma should have eighteen Joints of the mandala variety, which are mobile. It should be situated in the Vaksa (Chest, Thorax). Now we shall briefly consider some abnormalities based on the foregoing hypothesis.

Trt – Thirst is the main indicator of the malfunctioning Udaka vaha srotas of which Kloma is one of the origins.

A progressive fluid loss as a result of either exercise, hyper ventilation, vomit or purging results in loss of fluidity of the circulating Rasa, Udaka and Rakta – the fluid dhatus of the body. The Hrudaya (heart) has to exert more to pump the dense fluid and a natural urge is produced. As a result of overworking of the Hrudaya the fluid in its covering is also depleted and the Hrudaya has to work against resistance offered by the all encompassing, oppressive sac which has turned its foe due to fluid density. This results in a feeling of dryness of the mouth first, throat later, and much later in a considerable thirst which is not quenched easily. It is the common experience of a cool sip which induces a sense of well being.

A diagonally opposite thirst appears as a result of heavy food (guru anna), a heavy substance causes the Ahara Parinamakara Bhara upset requiring more kala (time), kleda (fluids), usna (heat) and unan it would otherwise need. The time can be adjusted by observing fast, but the Kleda or fluid has to be supplemented from outside – in order to render it fluid and absorbable, the cold water taken aggravates the thirst as it helps to put out or douse the usna which in its first place is unable to convert it. Thus the Guru Rasa which is absorbed from the Mahastotas reaches the heart and again it has to work against the resistance of the heavy Rasa and the excess fluid state of the Udaka rasavaha sortas.

The problem could be easily tackled by taking sips of hot water which due to its heat would penetrate the heavy food material and render it more subtle. It is observed at the end of some time, even the residue is dealt with effectively, without causing clogging, water logging and thirst which is aggravated by cold water.

Kloma – Akarsana – Caraka describes the grave disorder arising out of the sudden cardiac involvement which results in, ultimately the collapse of a lung either by external trauma or internal dosik activity.

The median Kloma is critically balanced by the positive pressures exerted by the lungs on it from either sides. The space of the Kloma offers passage to various fluids like Rasa Rakta Udaka to and from the heart along with the incessant rhythmic activity of the heart in its pericardium. Should a lung collapse as result of either trauma in an acute manner, the balance displaces the medistinum along with its contents, e.g. esophagus, trachea, bronchi, and may even cause kinks in the great vessels. If the lung is not inflated and the balance restored, the life of the person could be in jeopardy.

In more chronic cases like Jarakasa and Jalaja Parsvasula the affected lung may succumb slowly causing gradual impairment in the form of lost impaired elasticity and hampering the function of mediastinal organs. A sudden seizure of the heart thus affects the Kloma adversely and causes amongst others, a mediastinal shift which can be fatal.

The Kloma is an organ, due to its anatomical position and its contents which are the esophagus, trachea, heart and vessels. The fluid volume of the body passes through it at one time or the other during the cyclic movement either in the form of Rasa Rakta (Blood) or Udaka (Lymph) and Anna (Bolus). Therefore, any abnormality of these channels results in subsequent impairment, either functional or structural of the Kloma, or conversely, an acute or chronic functional or structural impairment of the Kloma subsequently results in the impaired functioning of either Rasavaha, Pranavaha, Raktavaha, Ydakavaha and Annavaha Srotases.

The author discusses in this paper the much debated and controversial organ of Kloma in an objective manner and establishes its relevancy by interpreting various classical texts.