What is Sex and Sexuality?

Man – “Fun, playful, ecstasy, hot, spontaneous and exquisite”.
Woman –“Serious business”.
These two very varied answers are exaggerations and cannot be literal. Yet they do bring out the state of mind of both the sexes. It shows the extremes at which their interpretations of sex are. The woman thinks of sex as being serious business, showing her lack of pleasure and enjoyment. The man however thinks of it as hot and ecstatic thus depicting his lack of responsibility and respect toward the intimacy of the experience. However, these preconceived notions of sex are what our brain believes them to be. We get our ideas from various mediums like, TV, movies, music, jokes, from friends and family, and then we combine and assimilate all of what we believe to be true and thus form our own myths. One needs to however, sort out the truth and the hearsay.

Sexual orientation is one’s erotic, romantic, and affectional attraction to the same gender, to the opposite gender, or both. A person, whether man or woman, has the right to choose and express his sexual orientation. Sometimes your partner might push you to become sexually active. Knowing your values and deciding what it is that you want will help you in this situation. It should also be understood that if someone carries a condom, it does not mean that they are “Easy” or expect “Action”. It simply means that the person is being prepared for protection, if he/she decides to indulge in sexual intercourse. In fact, it is advisable to carry protection and to avoid engaging in unprotected sex.
Sex is an expression of feelings, thoughts and emotions. The mature understanding of this is what makes an adult. One does not need to shudder or feel embarrassed when the topic is brought up.Our sexuality is a part of us and should never be suppressed or ignored. The choices an individual makes is a reflection of himself – let your foremost be “Awareness”.
What is Sex & Sexuality?
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