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Iridologists look you in the eye and know what’s wrong with you, for your iris tells all about your illness, writes Dhara Kothari.
‘Look into my eyes – you will see, what you mean to me…’ Bryan Adams could not have been far from truth literally, when he sang that number. But eyes can convey more than one message. Ask iridologists, they’ve known it for a long time. A diagnostic technique, iridology has existed in India from the days of the vedas where the sages ‘Read’ the eye for astrological as well as medical reasons. It has also been around in the west for some time now. “Iridology”, says Mumbai–based iridologist Dr. Hoshang Daruwala, “Is a science which informs us about the eruption of any disease in the near future, through the iris of the eye. Illness can be detected from a few months before to just a few days depending on the disease”.
In the West, after the idea had long faded, iridology was re–discovered by an 11 year old boy in Hungary in 1837. The boy, Ignatz Von Peczely, was trying to free an owl trapped in his garden when one leg of the bird broke. Ignatz noticed that a dark stripe immediately appeared in the lower portion of one iris of the bird. He subsequently found that this region corresponded with the leg. Later in life, Ignatz studied irises of wounded soldiers and published a book on the concept.
Over the years many have contributed to the subject and have formed an iridology chart. The iris is connected to every part of the body by the nervous system. This results in different regions of the iris reflecting the condition of every tissue, organ, limb and part of the body. The left iris reflects the left side of the body and the right iris reflects the right side. The top of the iris reflects the head and the bottom reflects the legs. The body is thus mapped around the circle. Says Dr. Daruwala. “There are two methods of mapping – the British and the American. In the British system, the iris is clocked as per minutes, whereas it is in hours in the American”.
According to Dr. Daruwala there are four methods of diagnosing from the iris. One, when the threads of the iris are broken. Two, when lacunae appears between the threads in a particular zone. Three, when the color of the iris fades or assumes a darker hue. Four, when there are plain spots or freckles. He says, “The right time to watch the iris is in the morning, using a simple hand lens to see from the side angle. One can, with practice, tell the broken threads without the lens”. The main advantage of iridology is that it is a non – intrusive diagnosis and you can gauge the extent of the recovery easily which is well–reflected in the iris.
Dr. Daruwala claims that any form of emotional and psychological problem can also be detected, as long as it is connected to the nervous system. Research on this subject is under way at Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research, Pondicherry.

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