Home Remedies
You’ll be surprised to discover numerous remedies for common, everyday ailments in your own kitchen. From times immemorial Indian spices for instance have been known to possess proven therapeutic properties along with the service they render to our taste buds. Instead of rushing to your family physician with minor complaints or popping pills that are easily available over the counter, it is infinitely better to avail of the riches of nature’s bounty to provide yourselves and others in the family healing for common illnesses. As awareness about the detrimental side–effects of protracted use of several allopathic medications have increased on the one hand, and a simultaneous “Back to nature” movement that has revolutionized the approach to health care on the other, home remedies have become a simple, viable, feasible and easily accessible option even an illiterate housewife could exercise.
Home Remedies
Featured Herb

Garlic: Purported to help treat infections and rid the body of parasites. Good for spasms and cramps. read more…
Did You Know Jala Neti ?

Health Professional's Negligence
Records of published articles in the newspapers helps common people about precautions to be taken while seeking the services from health professionals and also helps health professionals to rectify the negligence.read more…