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How Shiatsu works?
Very simply put – Shiatsu works simply and gently by using the body’s own ever present energy.
The Acupressure Center
- On the principle of “Ki” – life’s vital force flowing in the body. It is believed that “Ki” is everything and everything is “Ki”.
- The principle of Yin & Yang – Balancing of movement of Ki using different characteristics of a person. Yin – is the earth energy, Yang – this is heaven energy. These came together and created the world…this is the belief of ancient oriental people.
- The Meridians – These are defined pathways where “Ki” flows in the body.
- “Ki’s cyclical flow”. The flow of energy between the elements in very defined sequences or cycles.
- Five Element theory – The grouping of different phenomena with similar energy quality… It is believed that the body has 5 elements in particular proportion.
Effects of Shiatsu Treatment
Shiatsu treatment
- Toxins accumulate in the body owing to inappropriate diet, lack of exercise etc. With Shiatsu treatment, toxins are slowly and steadily removed.
- Regulates activity of both the divisions of the autonomic nervous systems. In today’s world most of us are in over drive condition, which means the symphatetic division is over stimulated. Shiatsu activates the parasymphatetic division thus normalising the body.
- After the whole body treatment, the patient is generally relaxed with a sense of well being and peace.
- During whole body treatment, most people fall asleep or are in the alpha zone, which helps the body to rejuvenate.
- Emotional release takes place over a number of whole body treatments. At such times contact and trust between the practitioner and patient is important.
- When Shiatsu is done as part body treatment then, it relieves the body symptoms for which the particular treatment is given. e.g. for headache, acidity, spondylosis etc. In India usually part body treatment is practised.
- It stimulates circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems.
- Healing really takes place due to the patients ability to self heal.
- After the first few sessions of treatment, symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, stiffness, frequent urination or lethargy may be noticed. These symptoms are transitory and pass off within 12 hours at the most.
- Post treatment, drinking of water and resting for some time is very helpful.