Wild Rose

Apathy. People who have become resigned to their fate. Presume that nothing can make things any better. This may be with regard to a dead–end job, an illness, unpleasant situations, whatever. Dull people who do not bemoan their fate, but accept it listlessly, making no effort to change circumstances or overcome them. Limited by their subjugation to their ‘Destiny’.

People who are embittered and resentful and imagine they always get a raw deal. Feel they never get their dues, while others have it easy. Feel life is unfair to them, that they do not get the positive results they deserve, and have to bear more than their share of problems. These are the people who always blame others or ‘Bad luck’ for the things that go wrong for them. People who are never satisfied and always complaining, and will not acknowledge the good things that come to them, which anyway they accept without gratitude, and as their due. Not pleasant people to have around, since they are depressing and bitter and negative about everything. Feel the world owes them.