Description: Self–healing using gentle forms of vibrational medicine, such as Bach flower remedies and other flower essences, to help create and maintain balance and harmony of the body, mind, heart and soul.
Description: Extensive information about Dr. Edward Bach and the 38 Bach Flower Remedies, including educational opportunities and courses for example in making the mother tinctures.
Description: A list of the uses of the 38 remedies. See the list of Bach Flower Remedies by category. See the Emotional First Aid Kit, which lists a number of emotional conditions and the flower essences, crystals, and essential oils which can be helpful.
Description: A UK–based information and on–line shop site which features Bach Flower Remedies and books, Homeopathy, Anthroposophy, Astrology and Esoteric subjects, as well as a comprehensive range of Weleda health and beauty products.
Description: Information on Dr. Edward Bach, Production of the Bach Flower Remedies, New Bach Flower Therapies, New Bach Flower Body Maps, Rescue Remedy, Literature on Bach flowers and other useful links.
Description: What is the Bach Flower Essences, Dealing with Death, Trying to conceive, Infertility, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Articles, Rescue remedy & Rescue remedy cream, 7 emotional groups, 38 essences, Success stories.
Useful Links to Batch Flower Remedies
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Batch Flower Remedies
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