Abdominal Cold Compress (Cold Towel Pack)

Dip a towel in cold water and wring it to remove excess water. Fold the towel to 3 or 4 folds to make it 12–14" long and 10" wide. Place the towel on the abdomen, covering it with another dry towel or woolen cloth. After 10 minutes, reverse the towel so that the top portion touches the abdomen and leave it there for another ten minutes. If necessary repeat the process for a longer time by dipping the towel again in cold water.
Effects:It increases the blood circulation to the abdominal organs, activates metabolic functions, reduces inflammation and calms the nervous system. It produces a feeling of comfort and relieves pain and congestion indigestive, reproductive and urinary organs.
Cold Compress
Cold compress is a local cold application by means of a cloth dipped in cold water.
Requisites:Thick cotton or linen cloth or large towel – 2 nos.
Water temperature:Cold water 18–24°C. or ice water 0°C. wherever indicated.
Duration:20 minutes, may be prolonged in some conditions.
Procedure:The cloth should be folded into four folds and dipped in cold water. Before application it should be wrung well and applied on the concerned part of the body. When the compress is applied continuously, it should be renewed frequently by using two compresses alternatively. The compress can be applied to the head, neck, chest, abdomen, and spine or on any inflamed portion of the body. When applied on the head, it should be pressed firmly so that it is in contact with the scalp. The pillow should be covered with a rubber sheet and a towel. When applied to the abdomen patient’s bedding should be covered suitably.