Reiki Theory
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Remember that while you may give 5–10 minutes of Reiki for an acute problem, any chronic illness requires full body Reiki, often for several sessions (Actually, for a period of 21 days at least). Reiki may bring up a healing crisis, or an aggravation of problems. This is a good sign, as found in many systems of holistic healing, e.g. in Homeopathy.
The recipient may get anxious, but do reassure them that it is a release of toxins from the body. This also occurs during the 21 days compulsory practice following attunements.
The release of toxins from the body is called the purification process, which is why you are asked to honor and help it by avoiding non–vegetarian food, following a simple natural diet, and aiding the elimination of wastes by drinking a lot of water, and coconut and barley water and, as far a possible, not smoking or drinking. The period of 21 days is because each chakra goes through a cleansing three times. The time it takes for each person to show a response depends on where his/her blockages are. This is also why there is required to have a gap of at least 21 days between the first and second or second and third degree Reiki.
Do not get carried away by any success you might achieve with Reiki, especially do not give your clients any medical advice or suggestions. In fact even if the client only seeks your agreement is cutting down or stopping any medication, direct him/her to the doctor who prescribed the medication. Also when you are doing regular self–reiki, do not stop any medication or exercise, this is sometimes an impulse since one often feels so good!
Do not be too attached to the results of your practice. Reiki is taken in by the recipient as per his/her needs and ability to accept Reiki. People respond to Reiki in various ways. Someone you are giving Reiki to, might start crying and sometimes very bitterly or he/she may well start laughing uncontrollably. This is a release of some repression or blockage, and not to be discouraged. You may offer the person’s support and understanding (e.g. “Its okay, don’t worry, things will be alright.”) and carry right on with the Reiki. If the person is very disturbed, you can put one hand on the third eye or the Solar plexus chakra, and the other on the Hara, and give those chakras Reiki for 5–10 minutes or until the person calms down.
You may also find that while you are giving Reiki, you feel heat or even sweat. You may find yourself sneezing or feel a burning in the palms of the hands like they have been rubbed with chilly powder or tingling in the palms like pins and needles. Sometimes your hands may be quite cool, but the part they touch seem to radiate heat. The recipients may also feel heat, or sweat or feel currents of energy flowing through the body, particularly down the legs. When the recipients are relaxed enough, they may fall into a deep sleep. There may also be other responses – they vary greatly from person to person, and all are valid,including a lack of any immediate, identifiable reaction.
People often fear that ‘Giving’ people Reiki will somehow deplete their energy levels. This is not so, and one need have no such fears, since Reiki is not giving energy, but only channeling Universal energy through oneself. As an example, consider a pipe through which water flows – the inside of the pipe also gets wet with the water that passes through it. Similarly, as one only acts as a conduit or pipeline for Reiki, (remember that you are only conveying Universal energy through your being) one is energized by the energy that flow through to the recipient.
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