An Idea is Born…

After working on this idea for nearly two years Dr. Vaidya founded ‘Arogya Sena’ (Health Army) on 12th March, 1995 at Bedse, a tiny village from Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra State, along with his colleagues Mr. Satyajit Vaidya, Mr. Kamlesh Hajare, Dr. Nitin Ketkar, Dr. Vijay Setiya, Dr. Ramesh Bidwe and local youths. Since then he is been traveling extensively with a team of highly educated and dedicated doctors and volunteers, training people in ‘Disaster Management and Medical Relief Work’, binding them into a network of nationwide organization, motivating them to rush in the events of any disaster.
Arogya Sena’s disaster medical relief work…
Since the date of establishment of Arogya Sena, Arogya Sainiks have been helping victims of disasters – natural or manmade and have saved many precious lives. Apart from Latur earthquake Arogya Sena has sent medical teams and trained volunteers during epidemic of Gastro, Tal Mangaon, Dist Raigad (2003), floods in Pune (2004), mega floods in Maharashtra (2005, 2006), Bihar, Orisa, Tamilnadu (2008), drought in Dist. Nagar and Pune (2002) stampede at Mandhardevi, Dist. Satara (2005), fire at Kasewadi slums Pune (2005) and above all tsunami at Tamilnadu and Kerala (2004–05), earthquake at Kashmir (2005) and during mega epidemic of Chikangunya in Kerala (2007, 2008). Arogya Sena also conducted a massive public education campaign during outbreaks of SARS (2003) and Dengue (2004, 2005, 2006). Booklets on SARS and Dengue written by Dr. Vaidya were first publications in Marathi.
Apart from rushing to the rescue of the victims of disasters, our Arogya Sainiks are influencing ‘Planning for Disaster Management’ in their own states, districts, talukas, towns, cities and even villages.
Arogya Sena, as a movement for public health rights…
Arogya Sainiks (Health Soldiers), apart from working in an organized and disciplined fashion with the help of knowledge given to them, are expected to take up various health issues concerning common man. Up till now Arogya Sena has taken up issues like pesticides and dirt in soft drinks, worms in Cadbury chocolates, safety of swimming pools, water sports, tourist spots and roads, commercialization of medical education and profession, privatization of goverment hospitals, pollution and biomedical waste, sanitation of slums and meager provision for health in state and national budget. Many local branches of Arogya Sena have taken up many local issues like conditions of government dispensaries and hospitals, hazardous electrical poles, improper waste disposal and have been instrumental in forcing government machinery to act promptly. Branches of Arogya Sena have become powerful weapons of social change in the health field.
The movement spreads…
At present Arogya Sena has around 14000 trained workers across 10 districts, 30 talukas, 125 villages and 6 cities of Maharashtra State. Branches in many more districts are expected soon. Tamilnadu state branch of Arogya Sena was inaugurated on 24th April 2005 at Nagapattinam. 108 volunteers of nearly 40 NGO’s, involved mainly in Tsunami relief work have completed one day training. Jammu–Kashmir branch was inaugurated on 2nd October 2005 at Jammu. 134 youths completed one day training. Arogya Sena is also expected to spread its wings in many other states soon.
Issues taken up by Arogya Sena
Arogya Sena takes up the issues, studies it in depth, follows it up with concerned authorities, suggests solutions for it and does not hesitate to come on the roads if authorities turn a deaf ear.
- Worms in Cadbury Chocolates.
- Dirt in soft drinks.
- Shortage of Rabies Vaccine.
- Safety of water bodies at tourist spots and swimming pools.
- Biological waste Disposal.
- Use of National Language on Wrappers of Food products and Medicines.
- Worms in Indian Noni (An ayurvedic product).
- Fungus in IV BOTTLES.
- Hygiene of food and drinks available with stalls and hawkers.
- Epidemics of Dengue, Chikungunya.
- Privatization of Government Hospitals (Nov 06).
- Reduction of VAT on life saving equipments especially Ventilators.
- Burning of garbage.
- Provision of sufficient toilet at public offices.
- Meager Provision for health in central, State and local budgets.