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Happy & Safe Diwali
From time immemorial, Diwali has come to be referred to as the Festival of Lights. So much so that, it has become a cliche of sorts and percolated down to the sub–conscious levels of every Indian. Indeed, it is a festival all Indians irrespective of caste and creed look forward to. The fun and revelry associated with Diwali is unrivalled among the festivals of India. Unfortunately, although Diwali brings light into our lives both literally and figuratively, the lighting of fire crackers could pose a few health hazards and encourage a few mishaps along the way. And that is precisely where all of us need to be a little watchful so that we ensure that we have a safe and enjoyable Diwali. A festival we could reminisce about in time to come and not one that would leave a trail of unhappy memories behind which we’d much rather forget. Children seem to be particularly vulnerable to the possibility of mishaps during Diwali since they are the ones who are most enthusiastic about lighting fire crackers. However, even adults could do with some caution and care. Found below are some of the precautionary measures that are indicated to avoid mishaps and have a safe and happy Diwali.
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