30 December 2008
Pune, India
Within just two years of its inception, cardiologists at the Fabiani and Budhrani Heart Institute have managed to perform rare cardiac interventions – procedures which have been performed by few hospitals in the country.
Cardiologist Ritu Dhawan–Bhatia said, “A four–year–old girl who was born with a narrowed aorta was treated with balloon angioplasty instead of surgery. The patient was discharged in twothree days.”
Similarly, cardiologist Manohar Sakhare planted an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) – a device that monitors heart rhythms – on a 62–year–old person. “The patient had suffered a heart attack in 2006 after which he had recurrent episodes of ventricular tachycardia (heart rhythm abnormalities) which was a life threatening condition and required high intensity electric shocks,” said Sakhare.
“Advances in technology have made interventions in congenital heart defect conditions feasible,” said Bhatia.