02 July 2010
Ahmedabad, India

Menopause is considered one of the biggest problems affecting women in the above 35 age–group.
IMS president Dr Atul Munshi said every gynaecologist should independently run menopause clinic in their hospital to cater to the health of the women afflicted by post menopause complications, like psychological break down, osteoporosis, breast cancer and uterus cancer.
Dr Munshi is also consulting other Ahmedabad–based gynaecologists and medical colleges to start dedicated 35 plus club and 35 plus clinics in the city.
He said: “In several cases, menopause problems start right after women cross 35 years. It is important for them to consult gynecologists and know the changes occurring in their body. Generally, gynecologists do not have dedicated manpower to understand what psychological and physical changes a women is undergoing.
He added: “Not only women, even men suffer from osteoporosis due to the phenomenon of andropause. Men between the age group of 40 and 55 can experience a phenomenon similar to female menopause, but unlike women, they do not have a clear–cut signpost such as the cessation of menstruation to mark this transition. Both are, however, distinguished by a drop in hormone levels. Estrogen in females, and testosterone in males.” He said the bodily changes occur very gradually in men and may be accompanied by changes in attitudes and moods, fatigue, a loss of energy, sex–drive and physical agility. As not many people are aware about andropause, IMS has started an awareness drive about this health problem too, he added.
“I have sent guidelines to 2,000 gynaecologists across India. They comprise of factors such as treat ment, diet–counselling, physical exercises and counseling the family members. A segment of women in the urban areas are aware about menopause, but there is a huge divide among the women in the rural areas,” he said.
Dr Munshi said IMS has now started conducting examination for doctors who are willing to start menopause clinics.
He added: “Menopause clinics are important, but updating gynaecologists about the research and new drugs available in the market for menopause is equally important.
For the last one year, 35 plus clubs and clinics have started in Ambala, New Delhi, Agra, Pune and Hissar. Functioning of dedicated 35 plus clinics is very different. Not only do they work towards educating and informing women about postmenopause complications, but also keep doctors aware about the recent techniques, research and drugs about menopause.”
He further said:“By Augustend, IMS intends to start menopause clubs and clinics in Ahmedabad. Some developments are quite significant. In fact, IMS will conduct a national conference with gynaecologists at 34 IMS chapters across India through the Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Application and Geo Informatics (BISAG) Gandhinagar.”