01 April 2013
Synapse Brain and Spine Foundation mainly aims to help poor people
There is good news for patients suffering with brain-related illnesses and their relatives. A new website www.neurosurgerypune.com has been launched in Pune along with a helpline number 9011333841 for enabling neuro-patients to avail of help and advice.
One can contact on the helpline between 9 am and 5 pm barring Sundays. Synapse Brain and Spine Foundation, started by neurological and spinal surgeon, Dr Jaydev Panchwagh, has launched this website and helpline. The foundation has decided to help poor patients with neuro or spinal problems depending upon their financial condition. A German foundation has decided to help Synapse Brain and Spine Foundation in this initiative.

Panchwagh had organised a congregation of all well-wishers of the foundation. The founding chairman of `Neurochirurgishe-hilf-Indien’ in Germany Sigmund Opferkuch and former finance commission chairman Vijay Kelkar, who is one of the advisors of the Synapse Brain and Spine Foundation attended the event.
Panchwagh informed that there is a general impression that super-specialities are only the need of urban population and rural people need only basic medical services. He said that people tend to forget that even farmers and rural women can have brain tumours and spinal problems like Sciatica. Sigmund Opferkuch and Rolf Schock from Germany informed that like-minded Germans have come together and raised 25,000 Euros for the cause. Kelkar said that there was a need for creating awareness about neuro-illnesses so that patients would reach doctors in time.