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What is premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is a one of the commonest sexual problems which means the man ejaculates faster than expected. This leads to frustration of the partner due to her dis–satisfaction. Medically Dr. Samak has graded the problem.
What are the grades of the P.M.E.?
Grade Four means ejaculation even before vaginal penetration, Grade Three means the man ejaculates immediately (within five strokes) after penovaginal contact, Grade Two means after five but less than ten strokes, Grade One means premature to the concept of the partner in other than the above–mentioned situations.
What is the therapy for the P.M.E.?
It is the sexual problem which can be corrected by learning various techniques which can control the ejaculatory reflex before the the stage of emission. Once the seminal fluid enters the urinary tract is hardly stoppable. These techniques include Distraction Technique, Stop–Start Technique, Squeeze Technique etc. Some andrologists have developed certain surgical procedures which involve dorsal nerve. These are aimed at reducing the inputs from the penis at the time of sexual intercoursial friction. Thus hoping to reduce the chance of triggering the ejaculatory reflex very soon. But this ignores the fact that the intensity of the psychological excitement is a major initiating factor for ejaculation and on this factor this surgery has no impact. Dr. Samak has developed a new method of controlling the ejaculatory reflex. He has called it the Internal Squeeze technique. It is modified from the Vajroli Mudra of the Hath–Yoga.