Libido Boosters
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From times immemorial, man has been on the lookout for some kind of a “Magic potion” that would make him a better lover. Whether he is a philandering Casanova or a faithful hubby happily married to wifely dear, food and sex are probably the two most pressing thoughts that occupy the mind of man. And now with Italy, of all places, having introduced a special course on “The art of seduction”, and being as it is in such close proximity to the Vatican that continues to frown upon all carnal pleasures and stubbornly sticks to its antediluvian ideas pertaining to contraception, anything that could enable man, or woman, to “Perform” better would be more than welcome, Papal diktats notwithstanding. So what if some crotch–centric, erection obsessed males have turned cold enough for the grave when the magic pill, Viagra is supposed to have infused heat into their loins.
And so, despite it all, the search for the ideal, reliable and safe aphrodisiac continues… From ginseng to geraniums, plants have been brewed, broiled, mashed and powdered to provide loin–stirring elixirs for Casanova wannabes. Chocolate for instance is rich in magnesium, a mineral that relaxes muscles and nourishes the sex glands. And this age–old Valentine favorite contains ample amounts of caffeine, which would have perked up the potentate, if nothing else.
Foods that affect our bodies
It’s true, food scientists say: “We are what we eat!” Herbs and other foods are packed with physiochemical that can have a profound effect on our moods and physiological functions. But is there a plant on the planet that can pump us up with passion? African men traditionally have ingested the bark of yohimbe to fortify themselves before making love. That’s because chemicals in yohimbe bark cause genital blood vessels to dilate.
Overall vitality
More research is needed before scientists can undisputedly conclude that yohimbe, or any other herb, is capable of jump–starting our genitals. Herbs, nonetheless, can help us to feel better and have more fun in bed.
Does your libido decline after surgery?
A woman’s life goes through various changes at different times in her life. Menstruation, menopause, PMS and pregnancy are few changes she has acclimatized herself with while she embarks on a life long emotional roller coaster ride. Sometimes the women involved are baffled by the changes that their bodies are succumbed to. However all of these everyone accepts and has been one of the topics that have been written and spoken about exhaustively. The issue which we are addressing today is whether a woman’s sex life improves after she has gone through a “Hysterectomy?”
A hysterectomy is performed when conditions like benign uterine fibroids are present, or if the woman does not wish to have any children and other such reasons. Now during this procedure sometimes the ovaries are removed. Dr.Pooram is practicing in Pune’s Jehangir Hospital and we asked her about this. She said, “Only if a woman’s ovaries are removed does she develop a change”. Once her ovaries are removed the scare of getting pregnant no longer looms over her, thus increasing the expectancy of sex. This is mental though and has nothing to do with the physiological changes that are expected after a surgery.
Dr. Telang states, “The fact that a woman”s sex life improves or diminishes after she has undergone is not correct. She does not go through any changes physiologically. However the mental changes are present, as would be in any patient”. She goes on to explain that a woman perceives in her mind that she can have sex and it does get exciting to know that you can indulge in sex anywhere at any time and you would never get pregnant. But these situations are only present when the ovaries are removed.
However, the other factor is when the ovaries are yet present. Does the sex life diminish because she can get pregnant? There is no logical or scientific explanation to this and the phrase “Women are difficult to understand”, is very apt here. Although, the presence of theories cannot be ignored and one such theory states that a woman’s sex life does however improve after a hysterectomy inspite of her ovaries being intact. This theory is supported by the reasoning that a hysterectomy is performed when there is a tumor or a fibrous growth or similar condition. All these are painful and involve cramps, excessive bleeding etc. These condition would obviously slacken the want of sex from a woman who is in agony, or is pre occupied with her condition. Now a hysterectomy removes such conditions and restores her normal state. Thus no more pain, no more tension and no more danger. Once all these factors no longer exist she is more receptive and eager to engage in sex, thus leading to an increase in her sex life.
There are plenty of theories that refute as well as support the matter. However the one thing which has been determined is that all these changes in a woman’s psyche are mental. Whether she wants to have sex or she doesn’t is totally up to her mental state and we should be supportive towards whatever her decision.
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