FAQs on Dental Implants
I am considering dental implants. I have heard that available implants have a variety of different types of surfaces. What are your recommendation concerning coated implants. I am particularly concerned with the negative effects associated with hydroxyapatite coatings? Are my concerns warranted?
Your concerns are valid, because HA (Hyroxy Apatite) will dissolve in an acidic environment. HA is indicated, however, in porous bone in situations where the implant will be completely surrounded by bone (no acid attack). Here HA has an advantage over other surfaces because HA appears to have a higher initial success rate in porous bone. Another surface that is used is TPS (Titanium Plasma Spray). It has some advantages of a roughened surface and does not degrade significantly.I am a 42 years old and have worn upper dentures for 20 years. Is it possible to do implants on the entire upper mouth? If so how much time is involved and would I ever be in a situation where I would be without teeth during the procedure?
Depending on the remaining bone left, it could be possible. A panoramic radiograph is needed to see the amount of bone left. Also since you are young the benefits are even greater. Depending on the surgeon you may have to be without teeth from one day to as long as a week. The healing of the implants in the bone takes from 4–6 months.What is the life span of a dental implant?
The first “Osseo–integrated” implant placed in the mouth by Dr. Branemark is still in function today (32 years later). The generally accepted figure for bone loss around such “Fixture” is .1mm bone loss per year. Conceivably, a 12mm implant could then be in function for forty years. This conservative estimate does not consider further advances in the science of dentistry and orthopedics.I was reading some articles on tooth implants and was wondering what the age limits were to having this kind of treatment done?
Anyone in good health is a possible candidate for dental implants. There are a few absolute contraindications to the surgery. However, they include uncontrolled diabetes and substance abuse.Could you give a cost range for a front tooth dental implant? Also, how does an implant compare to other options (bridge, etc.)?
The cost of a dental implant with the restoration is comparable to that of a traditional three unit bridge. Because only one tooth is involved as opposed to cutting down additional teeth the implant can be thought of as being a more conservative approach.The particular fee varies according to the type of implant system being used and generally costs anywhere between Rs. 15000 to Rs. 25000 per tooth that is being implanted.
My fourteen year old daughter has been missing a front tooth since she was nine. Is it too early to begin treatment?
Implant placement should usually only be attempted after all bone growth has ceased. The services of an orthopedist may be needed to take an X–ray of the wrist to determine whether growth has ceased. If this is the case, treatment can commence.What can dental implants accomplish?
For answer refer the table as provided below.![]() |
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Replacement of a single tooth | Replacement of multiple t eeth | Replacement of the entire dental arch |
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are precisely manufactured substitute tooth roots usually made from titanium or its alloy. There are several different designs such as screws cylinders or baskets.Prosthetic crowns fastened with machined screws are placed on top of the implant to replicate the missing teeth.