Sealants are plastic coatings that are placed on the chewing surfaces of teeth and protect against cavities in the deep pits and grooves.
- A sealant prevents decay because the plastic coating keeps bacteria and food debris from getting into the pits and grooves of the teeth.
- 80% to 90% of cavities in children occur in the pits and grooves. Sealants can prevent these cavities!
- Sealants can last for many years. If a sealant becomes worn, more sealant material can be applied on top of it.
- Sealants are most effective when they are put on as soon as possible after the eruption of the tooth.
- The teeth which benefit the most from sealants are the permanent molars and premolars.
- Costs may vary, but sealing a healthy tooth is less expensive than filling a decayed tooth. It costs roughly INR 200 to INR 500 per tooth.
- Sealants and fluorides offer the best combination for maximum protection against cavities.
- After 25 years of research, the National Institute of Dental Research has found sealants to be safe and highly effective.

- Effective.
- Safe.
- Easy to apply.
- Long–lasting.
- Low cost.