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What is Hypertension?
Hypertension is an abnormal elevation of the blood pressure.
What are the normal levels for blood pressure in an adult?
The blood pressure for normal defined as a systolic blood pressure which is between 120 to 135 and diastolic between 80 and 90 millimeters of mercury.
How common is hypertension?
Hypertension is very common in general population. The prevalence will differ based on the age of the population, the race, and the definition of hypertension. In general about 5% of the population will have blood pressure of over 140/90. This incidence increases to 35% by the age of 60.
What is essential hypertension?
Hypertension which is not attributable to any secondary cause such as underline endocrine, drug or related to vascular problems related to kidney is called as essential hypertension.
How is hypertension classified?
The Joint Nationality Committee (JNC) classification is generally used to classify the severity of the hyper tension. It can be classified for practical purposes by severity as border line as mild, moderate or severe.
What is white coat hypertension?
Blood pressure elevation which occurs due to apprehension of a doctor’s visit is called white coat hypertension. The pressure should be repeated at another time.
What precautions should be taken before a blood pressure reading is taken?
Four important points should be remembered while taking a patients blood pressure.
- The patients must be seated comfortably in a chair for at least 3 to 5 minutes.
- The cuff of an appropriate size should be used.
- Systolic and Diastolic blood pressures should be taken.
- Two or more readings about 5 minutes at intervals should be averaged.
Why is it important to treat Hypertension?
Hypertension if left untreated can affect the following:
- Heart: Resulting in heart attacks or heart failure.
- Brain: Stroke
- Kidney: Kidney failure.
What are the symptoms of hypertension?
- Patient may be asymptomatic.
- Headache
- Symptoms of angina or heart failure.
“If my parents have hypertension do I run the risk of having hypertension?”
The risk of hypertension is increased if one of the parents is Hypertensive and rises further if both are hypertensive. Although hereditary factors by itself are not enough to cause hypertension. Environmental factors are also important.