Eg. No: E –1567 (Pune)
A–4/3, Meeranagar, Koregaon Park, Pune, India.411001.
Combination of Allopathic and Ayurvedic therapies for patients suffering from Chronic Renal Failure.
One observes a steep rise in need to put patients on dialysis, which is necessitated due to kidney failure of various extents, in spite of the fact, that, kidneys are gifted with functioning 8–10 times more than its normal capacity.
It is known, that the Renal–tissues are of fast turn–over type, where a metabolic interference, by way of chemo–therapeutic agents or anti–microbial agent, would certainly cause adverse influence, causing different degrees of damage, often ending up with lethal renal–blockade. It commonly happens in cancer chemotherapy, and less commonly with intensive anti–microbial therapy with or without NSAIDs.
Modem views of pathogenesis of renal damage, assume decreased renal blood flow, concomitant with decreased volume of blood perAsing the kidneys,–due to unbalanced rise in pressor substances (Angiotensis, catechol amines etc.). Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs allows this vasoconstriction to sustain, and therefore, decrease in blood flow, and sodium retention, resulting into interstitial nephritis.
Along with misuse and overuse of modem medicines like painkillers and higher Antibiotics other factors like, hypertension, diabetes, lack of exercise, altered food habits contributes to the renal damage. When the damage to the renal apparatus starts increasing, the renal function starts deteriorating, causing decrease functioning of renal apparatus.
Normally in various metabolic processes in the human body certain waste products like, creatinine, urea, are generated. The function of the kidneys is to expel out these harmful end products through urine: But in cases of severe renal damage as in chronic renal failure, kidneys fail to expel these metabolic end products due to which the blood levels of these toxic end products begins to rise, leading to various toxic effects on the human body.
In Allopaththic therapeutic system ihe thinking is that renal tissue once damaged cannot be regenerated. The whole approach of allopathic medication is aimed at improving physical and mental Quality of patient’s life. Medication is also given if the patient is suffering from diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension etc. Although these medications do help to check control on other diseases, they are unable to improve the deteriorating renal function.
Most of the patients suffering from chronic renal failure eventually need hemodialysis, as the damage to the kidneys are more profound by each passing day.
Ayurvedic view in the pathogenesis of renal disease is that, urine originates from large intestines and is filtered by Kidneys. The composition and formation of urine takes place in large intestines and is carried to the kidneys for excretion. This shows that the large intestine should have strong influence on composition of urine.
So according to Ayurvedic view, keeping the large intestines healthy is one of the major aspects in treating renal diseases and improving renal functions.
In order to improve the health of large intestines Ayurveda advocates Basti Chikitsa.In Basti therapy we administer medicated ghee, oil and decoctions per rectum. Basti is known to enhance faster relief for renal failure patients and overall physical quality of life of the patient improves considerably.
We have also researched for last 3 years on a particular herbal preparation under an eminent Nephrologist Dr.B.R.Ramesh Rao in Mumbai and the results in Chronic Renal Failure patients have been very encouraging. The overall physical and mental quality of patient’s life improved considerably showing overall improvement in the health status.
So along with modem Allopathic medication ifw&can administer Basti therapy and the herbal tablets, we expect that the physical and mental quality of patient’s life will improve, which will help the patient to fight against the chronic disease more positively.
We have undertaken this project in Pune, India, under the guidance of senior Allopathic and Ayurvedic physicians.
Our Medical Research Committee includes
A) Allopathic Doctors
- Dr. Ekbote Gajanan, M.S, M.N.A.M.S.Dean, Faculty of Medine, University of Pune, India.
- Dr. Ukidve S.V, M.D.Medicine, Senior Nephrologist, Pune.
- Dr. B.R.RameshRao, M.D, D.N.B, Senior Nephrologist, Mumbai.
- Dr. Wagh Shrikant, M.A.Sc, M.D.Medicine, Pune.
- Dr. Mrs.Rao Alka, M.D.Medicine, Mumbai.
- Dr. Apte, B.K,M.Sc, Ph.D, Senior Scientist, Mumbai.
- Dr. Doiphode, M.A.Sc, Ph.D.Dean Faculty of Ayurveda, University of Pune, India.
- Vaidya Joshi Y.G, G.F.A.M, H.P.A, Senior Ayurvedic Physician, Pune.
- Dr.Bhagwat.V.V.B.A.M.& S, F.I.I.M, Pune.
- Dr. Ukidve S.V, M.D.Medicine, Senior Nephrologist, Pune
- Dr. Akkalkotkar Mandar, M.D.Ayurved, Pune.
- Dr. Kul kami Yogini, M.D, Ph.D, Ayurveda, Pune.
- Dr. Mehta Nikhil, M.B.B.S, Pune.
- V. Bhagwat Umagauri, B.A.M&S, Pune.
Dr. Mokashi Mahesh, M.B.B.S, Pune.