Beginning infertility treatment is like entering a new world with its own language. The IVF–In–Vitro Fertilization or Test Tube Baby Treatment is a procedure where the human ovum and spermatozoa are placed in a petri–dish to fertilize outside the woman’s body & then the resulting embryo is transferred to her uterus. IVF effectively overcomes a variety of infertility problems, particularly tubal problems & sperm deficiencies. IVF is a four stage process. During the first phase gonadotropines hormones are used to stimulate the growth of as many eggs as possible. This multiple development increases the chances for fertilization and pregnancy. In stage two the drugs/injections are used to stimulate the release of mature eggs, which are removed or retrieved from the woman's ovaries using a fine needle. The eggs are then transferred to a laboratory dish in the third phase, where the sperms & eggs are combined for fertilization. In the final step a number of fertilized eggs or embryos are inserted back into the uterus.
Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is useful in men who have inadequate, weak sperms. This procedure involves the micro–manupulation of a single sperm, which is directly injected in a single egg. If the egg is fertilized , the embryo is then transferred back into the uterus using normal IVF procedure.
For the first time a lady gynecologist & embryologist (pathologist) have come together to give this specialized services to the infertile couples in the city.
The team consists of Dr. Bharati Dhorepatil and Dr. Shehbaaz Daruwala.
Dr. Bharati Dhorepatil, Gynecologist & Infertility Specialist is a practicing gynecologist for more than 15 yrs, has undergone special training in Assisted Reproductive Technologies at National University Hospital, Singapore and Augusta Reproductive Biology Associates at Medical College of Georgia, USA. She completed Diploma in Gynecologic Endoscopy at Kiel, Germany.
Dr. Shehbaaz Daruwala, Pathologist & Embryologist is a practicing pathologist for 10 yrs, has undergone special training of Basic Embryology at CRAFT IVF Center, Mumbai and Advanced Embryology training (ICSI) at Schoysman Infertility Management & Foundation, Belgium & Franenklinik, Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland.
The Pune Fertility Center will also introduce the concept of IVF Coordinator & Infertility Support Group.

The support group will help the infertile couples to have the exchange of thoughts & experiences from the couples who have undergone IVF/ICSI treatment. These support groups will be supervised by specialists & coordinator. The patients will always find warmth, reassurance, support & invaluable guidance from fellow members. This support group will meet once in a month at Pune Fertility Center on every fourth Thursday between 5–6 pm.
For more information contact:
Pune Fertility Center,
Cresent Exclusee,
1162/3, Shivajinagar,
Opp. Akashvani,
Pune 411005, Maharashtra India.
Tel. no: 91 20 5512550
Mobile: +91 9822043112
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.