India’s first Obesity support group was officially announced on 15th April, 2001 at the Residency Club, Pune.
With the arrival of a new concept surgery viz. Gastroplasty or Stomach Stapling, a new lease of life is in store for all morbidly overweight people. This surgery achieves a permanent scientific weight loss over a targeted period of 12 to 18 months. This surgery is not only providing a new and permanent lift in life, it helps to abate other obesity associated ailments like Diabetes, Hypertension, Infertility, degenerative arthritis, skin problems etc.

India is now fortunate to have the Obesity Surgeon capable of performing this novel and challenging surgery. Dr. Shrihari Dhore Patil, an eminent Gastro Intestinal, Laproscopic and Obesity surgeon is India’s first surgeon in this line. He has undergone training under Dr. Andrew Jameisson of Melbourne, Australia who has been performing these surgeries for the last 2O years. This training was followed by further training in Switzerland and France. Dr. Dhore Patil is an official member of the International Federation for Surgery of Obesity which is an extremely challenging field. He has been the past President of the Pune Surgeons Society also.
Till date, Dr. Dhore Patil has operated more than 30 patients from all over Maharashtra with a resounding success rate. The OBESITY SUPPORT GROUP was thus formed a year back by extremely happy patients who have completed the target periods and are all healthy and happy!
The first patient of Gastroplasty Mrs. Shirin Shaikh who was operated in Feb. 1999 weighed 120 kg. before surgery. Shirin says, “I used to feel extremely depressed. This surgery has brought my weight down to 72 kg. and I thank Dr. for taking this risk as I was the first patient”. Shyamali Deb, a 38 year old Social worker and a diabetic, who weighed 124 kg. before surgery, and was operated in September 1999 says, “I lost 48 kg. within 12 months and got rid of my high blood sugar within 3 months. I suffered from many skin ailments like eczema and intertrigo too and was even hospitalized for it. Now, I look good and feel good both physically and mentally. It’s been a new lease of life for me. As I was psychologically depressed earlier and not very physically active, my job and family life had suffered a lot. Dr. Dhore Patil is the greatest boon to obese people like us”. Another extremely happy patient Ms. Farzana Khan says, “I was miserable with my 120 kg. and was fed up hearing the snide remarks people passed. Working in my shop located in the busy MG Road, was becoming a painful experience. This surgery has turned my life around and I have become a much more healthier person. I was operated in April 2000 and now weigh 68 kg.”. Capt. Dinesh Chandra, a retired Merchant navy officer, used to shiplife, weighed 156 kg. with his lifestyle. Today as he says, “I have come down to 94 kg and feel and look great. Thank you Doctor. I wish every obese person would seriously consider this option and feel the difference”. The heaviest patient doctor has operated on is Mr. Ram Bhide who was approximately 235 kg and opted for surgery in August 2000. As Bhide mentions, “I have lost more than 60 kg in these 8 months and already feel great. Thank you Doctor for taking this challenged and helping me in life”.
The 15th evening found the OSG officially announcing the formation of the OSG Medical Trust. The occasion was graced by the eminent management expert Dr. Shejwalkar P.C. who strongly believes that Dr. Shrihari Dhore Patil has taken up a great challenge. Not only is the patient taking a risk, it is a greater risk for the Dr. who believes in the concept of the surgery and his success is proved by all his happy patients. The Trust will be responsible for surgeries, spreading awareness of Obesity related problems and cures, detailed counseling sessions for overweight people and related health activities.
Counseling is available for interested people at the following address:
Shree Hospital
Nagar Road, Pune 411 014, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 20 26683710 Or +91 20 26683798
Weekdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm